1. Branding
2. Cover Letters
3. Elevator Pitches
4. Job Searching
5. LinkedIn
6. Résumés
Whether you know it or not, you’re carrying around a brand online. But in this matter you have a choice: You can brand yourself, or you can be branded. You can actively own your identity, or you can be a passive receptacle of default settings.
Indeed, it’s no longer enough to rely on 1.0 staples like the presence of a LinkedIn profile or a company website. Your brand now encompasses everything from the search results when your name is Googled to your email signature.
This workshop will walk you through a series of best practices to establish and protect your digital brand. By the end, you’ll enjoy a working knowledge of the tools and techniques that will equip you to:
✅ Identify your brand through the eyes of your stakeholders.
✅ Build your brand using the most popular digital channels.
✅ Monitor and measure your progress.
Cover Letters
The smartest job seekers know that writing a cover letter — even if it’s not required — brings with it a bushel of benefits. And yet, if your letter doesn’t stand out, or if it makes just one of many common mistakes, it could sink your entire application.
How can you ensure that this critical document is helping rather than hurting you? By following a three-part process I call “EAR.” “EAR” means you need to answer three questions:
Why are you excited about the job?
Why are you able to do the job?
Why are the right person for the job?
Learn how to make “EAR” work for you and your career in this comprehensive workshop. We’ll study everything from your subject line to your salutation to whether you should include your letter as an attachment or in the body of the email.
Among the lessons you’ll learn:
✅ How to write to the job description.
✅ How to line up your capabilities with their requirements.
✅ How to show off not only your skills but also your personality.
Read More About Cover Letters
Elevator Pitches
Avoid these cardinal sins.
Job Searching
Whether you know it or not, recruiters are looking at you every day — Googling your name, scrutinizing your tweets, scanning your inadvertently public Facebook posts.
LinkedIn is an indispensable but often underused social network. Let’s unleash its power and start optimizing your presence here. As a result, you’ll build your brand, demonstrate thought leadership, advance your career, and even generate leads.
In this workshop, we’ll walk through your LinkedIn profile from top to bottom, and help you to perfect it in accordance with LinkedIn’s algorithms. Topics we’ll cover include the following:
✅ Do you know what your “social selling index” is?
✅ Which keywords should you use in your bio?
✅ Are you taking advantage of the opportunity to create a custom headline?
✅ What’s the best way to get endorsements and recommendations?
✅ Are you connecting (or “linking in”) with people the wrong way?
✅ Do you display your activities, or your accomplishments?
✅ Are groups useful?
✅ Do you embed any links to demonstrate your projects?
Let’s give your LinkedIn profile the prominence it deserves.
Read More About LINKEDIN
📌 This Is the Easiest Way to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out
Here’s a question for every job seeker: Does your résumé cite activities, or does your résumé cite achievements?
If you’re like most people, then you cite activities. These are typically your day-to-day duties. They read like a laundry list.
By contrast, an achievement packs a punch. It uses adjectives, numbers, and results to quantify your work and make it specific and real.
When your résumé is shot through with activities, it’s like all the others: Forgettable. But with achievements, you stand out. You make yourself distinctive, impressive, and memorable.
To these ends, here’s a glimpse of what we’ll cover:
✅ How to write to the job description.
✅ How to make each of your bullet points fulfill the “V.N.R.” formula.
✅ How to transform your responsibilities into achievements.
✅ How to quantify your experience even if you don’t work in an inherently quant-y field.
✅ How to make your résumé visually impactful.
✅ How a “summary” differs from an “objective.”
✅ How — and how not — to round off numbers.
✅ How to reframe a “skills” section.
Read More About Résumés
📌 Do You Need a “Skills” Section on Your Résume?